What is VoIP
What is VoIP, or Voice Over IP? The odds are you have probably heard the term, […]
Outsource Your IT Help Desk Support
I Have an IT Help Desk? Many of you may be asking yourself, “I have an […]
employee phishing
There has been a lot of local news and buzz lately about phishing activities and not […]
As we’ve spoken with current customers and new prospects about Managed IT Services for their computers, […]
What is ERP?
You have probably seen ERP, the TLA (three letter acronym for us geek types) many times […]
back to the office
Back to School, Oops, Work! With a lot of State Governors and Local Government Leaders allowing […]
SandStorm IT has launched a FREE website for locally owned restaurants, cafes, and other takeout businesses […]
SandStorm IT
To All Customers and Friends, In response to the COVID-19 / Coronavirus pandemic and the nationally […]
Key  events / Milestones / Accomplishments in 2018   As we look back on 2018, there […]
christmas tree
The SandStorm IT team gathered recently at Ciao Bella Grill in Memphis to celebrate the Christmas […]

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