Outsource Your IT Help Desk Support

I Have an IT Help Desk?

Many of you may be asking yourself, “I have an IT Help Desk?”  Maybe you don’t have a number of people with headsets answering phones in the small cubby desks, but you likely have someone you call or look to when you have computer or technology issues.  Many times, with new, potential customers, we hear the refrain, “We had an IT guy (or gal or my neighbor’s son/daughter who is in college) who helps us out in their spare time, but they apparently don’t have spare time now or have quit responding or (insert excuse here)!”  While it may have been good while it lasted, you can’t have your business depend upon someone who isn’t available when you need them or who doesn’t have all of the necessary knowledge and skills to address your business technology needs.

Look to the Experts

A better way to address this situation is to find a reliable, competent company of experts who can meet all of your needs.  Before you say, “I can’t afford someone like that!”, consider the costs of your technology not working or not being available.  What are those costs?  You have payroll costs for those employees who might not be doing productive work because their PC is locked up or has a virus or some other roadblock to getting things done.  Those are real costs, too!

A trusted team of experts can be your one-stop shop.  They can have all the expertise you need with one email or telephone call.  A trusted IT partner can provide much more capability and capacity than a single IT guy who may not have a broad enough set of skills, knowledge, and experience or may only be available part-time.  Also, an IT partner can be available only as much as you need so you may only have to pay for the services you need and agree to and not a full-time salary.

Five Reasons (Okay, Six Reasons) it Makes Sense to Outsource Your IT Help Desk Support

  • Someone will always answer the phone and take your call – Outsourcing to a professional IT Help Desk means that you can always speak to a person and not have to leave a message for someone to get back with you.
  • All IT problems can be addressed and resolved – Being able to draw from the collective knowledge, skills, and experiences of the entire team means you will always have access to the answer to your problems. Whether it’s a file sharing issue or a server hard drive failure, a solid IT partner has your back!
  • Always receive excellent service whenever you have a need – Because answering your calls and addressing your IT problems are the IT Help Desk’s top priority, you will always be treated with excellent customer service because you are why the IT Help Desk exists.
  • Prevention services – fewer disruptions to your work day – Part of any IT Help Desk offering typically includes appropriate prevention services and solutions, such as managed Anti-Virus protection, Windows patch management, 3rd party software patch management, computer and server monitoring, and much more.  All of these services and solutions are intended to identify and address issues before they impact your daily activities.
  • Services can be billed as needed or at a reduced or fixed cost — avoiding the salary costs and employee benefits (insurance, retirements, vacation) – Since you may not need someone onsite to provide IT services all the time, the IT Help Desk can provide prepaid services, pay on use, or a fixed monthly cost, whichever is most appropriate for your needs and budget.
  • Trusted partner whom you can always rely on and who inspires confidence in your technology solutions – A valuable part of any IT Help Desk service is the knowledge gained from supporting your IT environment and systems.  This knowledge will provide significant insights into areas that you need to consider upgrading or replacing, or maybe even migrating more of your computing resources to the cloud when it makes business sense for you.  A trusted IT Partner will look for ways for you to leverage your technology investments to optimize your value.

Want to better understand how outsourcing your IT Help Desk needs to a Trusted Partner could benefit your company or organization?  Give us a call at (901) 475-0275 or send us an email to info@sandstormit.com


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