What are Managed IT Services?

As a business owner, you have a lot on your plate. You’re responsible for running your company, as well as its long-term success. Managed IT Service Providers specialize in keeping your business’s IT infrastructure secure and reliable, so you don’t have to. They proactively monitor your systems for potential threats and vulnerabilities, and they have the knowledge and experience to resolve any issue that may arise quickly and effectively.

Here are five ways that managed IT service providers keep your business secure:

1. Keeping Devices Up To Date

The most important thing a Managed IT Service Provider (MSP) can do to keep your business secure is to ensure that all devices are kept up to date. This includes not only computers and servers, but also any other devices that connect to your network, such as routers, switches, and firewalls. By keeping these devices up to date, you can be sure that they have the latest security features and are protected against the latest threats.

One way MSPs keep devices up to date is by installing security updates as soon as they are released. Often, these updates address specific security vulnerabilities that have been discovered. By installing these updates, you can close these vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by malicious actors.

Another way MSPs keep devices up to date is by ensuring that they are running the latest versions of 3rd party software. Software updates often include new security features and protection against new threats. By running the latest versions of software, you can be sure that your devices are as secure as possible.

MSPs also keep an eye on the latest security threats and developments. By doing this, they can proactively deploy security measures to protect against new threats. This may include deploying new firewall rules or configuring devices to use the latest encryption standards.

Finally, MSPs can provide you with guidance on best security practices. They can help you develop and implement a security policy that covers all aspects of your business. By following best security practices, you can reduce the risk of your business being hacked.

2. Including a Spam Protection Solution

Managed IT Service Providers (MSPs) offer a lot of advantages for businesses, including peace of mind and increased security. One of the security advantages that MSPs offers is spam protection.

Here are a few ways MSPs keep your business secure by providing spam protection:

Daily email monitoring and updates

MSPs are always keeping an eye on the latest security threats and updating their systems and software to stay ahead of them. This includes updates to spam filters to ensure that the latest spamming techniques are being blocked.

Blocking known spam sources

MSPs have access to databases of known spam sources. They can use this information to block these sources before they even reach your inbox.

Whitelisting and blacklisting

MSPs can also help you set up whitelists and blacklists for email addresses and domains. This way, you can be sure that only emails from trusted sources are getting through, and emails from known spam sources are being blocked.

 By working with an MSP to implement these spam protection measures, you can be confident that your business is well-protected against the ever-evolving threat of spam.

3. By Utilizing a Next-Gen Anti-Virus Solution

Utilizing a next-gen anti-virus is one of the ways that managed IT service providers keep your business secure. By definition, next-gen anti-virus software uses artificial intelligence and other advanced techniques to protect your devices and data from malware.

Managed IT service providers will often use next-gen anti-virus software because it provides a higher level of protection than traditional anti-virus software. In addition, next-gen anti-virus software is constantly updated with the latest malware signatures, which means that it can protect your devices and data from the latest threats.

One of the benefits of using next-gen anti-virus software is that it can help to prevent malware infections in the first place. This is because the software is designed to proactively block malware before it can execute.

Another benefit of using next-gen anti-virus software is that it can detect and remove malware that traditional anti-virus software would miss. Again, this is because next-gen anti-virus software uses artificial intelligence as opposed to traditional anti-virus that is designed to protect against “known” infections.

4. Enrolling Your Employees in Cybersecurity Awareness Training

When it comes to cybersecurity, your employees are your first line of defense. That’s why it’s so important to make sure they are properly trained in how to identify and avoid potential threats. Here are four ways that managed IT service providers can help keep your employees safe:

Educate employees on the importance of cybersecurity

The first step in protecting your business is to educate your employees on the importance of cybersecurity. Make sure they understand the potential risks of not taking proper precautions, and instill a sense of ownership in them when it comes to protecting the company’s data.

Implement security policies and procedures

In order to properly protect your business, you need to have Policies and Procedures in place that all employees must follow. These should cover topics such as password management, email and internet usage, and data handling.

Provide regular training and updates

Make sure your employees are up-to-date on the latest security threats and best practices by providing regular training. This can be in the form of webinars, e-learning courses, or even in-person sessions.

Enroll your employees in cybersecurity awareness training

One of the best ways to keep your employees safe is to enroll them in cybersecurity awareness training. This type of training will teach them how to identify potential threats and what to do if they encounter one. It’s an investment that will pay off in the long run by helping to keep your business safe.

5. Keeping Up To Date With The Latest in Technology

The world of technology is ever-changing, and that can be a challenge for businesses that have to keep up with the latest trends. Luckily, there are Managed IT Service Providers (MSPs) who can help keep your business secure by staying up to date with the latest in technology. MSPs have the expertise to keep your business up to date with the latest in technology. They know what the latest trends are and can help you implement them in a way that will benefit your business.

They can also help you save money by keeping your business up to date with the latest in technology. They can help you find ways to use the latest technology that are more cost-effective and can help you avoid costly mistakes. MSPs can help you stay ahead of the competition by keeping your business up to date with the latest in technology. They can help you find new ways to use technology to stay ahead of your competitors.

MSPs can help you protect your data by keeping your business up to date with the latest in technology. They can help you find ways to keep your data safe and secure. They can help you find ways to utilize technology to improve your bottom line.

The bottom line is that a good managed IT service provider will keep your business secure by ensuring that your data is backed up, your systems are updated, and your network is monitored. They will also work proactively to identify and resolve potential security risks before they become problems.

By partnering with a managed IT service provider such as SandStorm IT, you can focus on running your business, safe in the knowledge that your IT security is in good hands. If you would like more information, feel free to contact us at 901-475-0275.

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