dedicated IT partner

The world of Information Technology, commonly referred to as “IT”, encompasses vast areas of modern business needs.  From physical devices such as PCs, servers, networking switches, wireless access points, mobile devices, phone systems, to not-quite-tangible technologies like web services, email hosting, cloud-based data backups, local software, and websites, business technologies continue to grow and advance at a blistering pace.  The question many small & medium-sized businesses ask is, “How can I keep up?

Do what you’re good at!

When you have your own customers to serve, how do you find time to make sure you’re maximizing the effectiveness of your current IT assets, and how do you know you’re being a good steward of the capital used to meet your technology needs?  Some businesses attempt to answer these questions using internal staff, but this comes at a cost.  Is your business’ core competency Information Technology?  Or are you better at helping patients, meeting insurance needs, consulting with clients, constructing homes or buildings, selling quality goods, or serving your community through outreach and non-profit services?  Every minute you spend troubleshooting, researching, or frustrated due to your business’ or organization’s technology is a minute that you won’t be able to serve the needs of your customers.  If you, your co-workers, or employees are better at serving the business mission of your organization, you need a dedicated IT partner you can trust.

Trustworthy Knowledge

When education, experience, and caring about your business’ needs combine, you get an IT partner with knowledge you can trust.  A dedicated IT partner should provide guidance through your technology concerns and questions using years of experience, research, training, and understanding.  At SandStorm IT, we’ve been there before.  We know IT issues can be scary, but our decades of serving customers’ technology needs have positioned us as THE resource for Trustworthy Knowledge.  You don’t just want Google with a human voice, you want a team of individuals that will take the time to understand your needs, effectively communicate the options, and make suggestions that value your time and resources.  With one email or phone call, our dedicated and talented team will get started meeting your needs and exceeding your expectations, regardless if it’s a software, hardware, internet, or unknown technical issue.  Spending money on IT is necessary, but we make sure that money is an INVESTMENT into your business, not just a cost center.


In today’s business world, “scalability’ has become a buzzword in conference rooms and offices.

Organizations are asking:

  • Will this scale?
  • How can we scale to meet changes in customer demand?
  • How can we become more agile in scalability?
  • Is scalability even a real word?

Most small and medium-sized business have a level of technology needs that does not require a dedicated, internal IT staff.  Even if you think you might need such an employee, it can be very difficult to find employees with the IT skills your organization may need.   Unemployment is declining, wages are increasing, and the labor pool is shrinking.  Wouldn’t it be easier to get Information Technology as you need it?  SandStorm IT has many scalable solutions to meet your technology needs, or as we call it, “On-Demand IT”.  Wouldn’t it be better to set your organization up for success by investing in preventative services before issues arise that can bring your business to a halt?  Our managed services offerings scale from small offices with 5-10 PCs to organizations with 50-1000+ users.  Benjamin Franklin once said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”  This holds true today with our managed services.  We can prevent expensive breakdowns and equipment failures by monitoring, protecting, and updating your PCs remotely without slowing down your business operations.  From small service calls to full infrastructure overhauls, SandStorm IT has a team of experienced professionals that can scale to meet your needs.

If you think a dedicated IT partner is exactly what you need, SandStorm IT would love to discuss and better understand your organization’s needs.  If you aren’t quite sure if you need an IT partner, give us a chance to show you how we can add value and help your business run more effectively.  SandStorm IT is here to help and we’re dedicated to IT.


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