Identify and Manage Risks

You can’t eliminate the risks to your IT infrastructure, but you can prepare for them.

Compliance for PCI or HIPPAA

Audit your business for compliance and fix any identified issues. Staying in compliance has never been easier.

Maintain Security

Our Managed Services will help make anxiety about ransomware and hackers a thing of the past by creating a strong security framework.

Your Customer Information And Network Security May Be At Risk

HIPAA and PCI regulations aim to safeguard customers’ privacy and personal information, yet compliance can be complex and challenging for businesses. Our team offers expertise in navigating these regulations and protecting your data.

IT Risk Assessment

We’ll help you identify and manage potential issues that could negatively affect your business’s IT infrastructure. SandStorm IT can help gauge the likelihood and propose solutions to mitigate potential risks, including technology, structural, natural, or even human factors.

PCI Compliance Support

SandStorm IT has the expertise to assist with PCI (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) compliance audits and compliance correction issues. PCI Compliance is required for any merchant with a merchant ID, whether credit/debit cards are processed online or in-store.

HIPAA Compliance Support

HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) compliance is essential for protecting sensitive healthcare patient information but can be time-consuming and resource-intensive to manage. We can help by implementing best practices and preparing your organization to pass compliance scans, ensuring any issues are identified and corrected.

Network Security Testing

Your network is under daily attack from security threats like ransomware, identity theft, data interception/theft, and more. As your trusted IT security consultant, SandStorm IT can address your network security issues with a custom solution.

Schedule Your Needs Assessment

At SandStorm IT, we understand that every business has unique IT needs, and so our pricing varies to match those specific requirements. Our services are designed to provide the best protection at the best value.